Upcoming Events
We warmly welcome you to join us for one of our upcoming events - or register to receive the recording via email. All events take place on Zoom unless otherwise noted, and times listed are for U.S. Central Time. We hope to see you soon!

Silent Suffering: The Invisible Abuse of Women Religious in the Catholic Church
Part 1: Thursday, March 20, 12pm - 1:30pm CDT
Part 2: Thursday, March 27, 7pm - 8:30PM CDT
Part 1 will take place on Zoom at 12pm (central time) and will include a short introduction from Awake, engaging conversation with our panelists, and question and answer time. (This event will be recorded for later viewing.)

The Invisible Abuse of Women Religious (Part 2 Discussion)
Part 2 of this Courageous Conversation will take place on Zoom at 7pm (central time) the week after Part 1 and will be focused on building connections and community while diving deeper into the questions raised by the conversation the previous week. We will utilize Zoom breakout rooms for facilitated small group discussion and sharing, encouraging all participants to bring their own perspectives and experiences to the conversation. (This event will not be recorded--you'll need to attend live to hear these insights!)
Registration information for Part 2 will be sent to everyone who signs up for Part 1 here.

Way of the Cross with Survivors
We invite you to join the Awake community for our annual Way of the Cross with Survivors. This powerful prayer experience combines reflections from abuse survivors with the traditional Lenten Stations of the Cross devotion.
Click here for more information and to register to participate.

May Courageous Conversation (Part 1)
We'll share more details and open registration once the speakers are finalized!
Part 1: Thursday, May 1, 12pm - 1:30pm CDT
Part 2: Thursday, May 8, 7pm - 8:30PM CDT
Part 1 will take place on Zoom at 12pm (central time) and will include a short introduction from Awake, engaging conversation with our panelists, and question and answer time. (This event will be recorded for later viewing.)

May Courageous Conversation (Part 2)
Our fifth season of Courageous Conversations will begin in September 2024, and we’ll share more details about our May 2025 event and open registration when our speakers are finalized!
Part 2 will take place on Zoom at 7pm (central time) the week after Part 1 and will be focused on building connections and community while diving deeper into the questions raised by the conversation the previous week. We will utilize Zoom breakout rooms for facilitated small group discussion and sharing, encouraging all participants to bring their own perspectives and experiences to the conversation. (This event will not be recorded--you'll need to attend live to hear these insights!)
(If you cannot attend Part 1 live, you can also register to receive a recording of the event via email.) The follow up email from Part 1 will share information and an RSVP link for the Part 2 discussion.

The Spiritual Practice of Lament
We invite you to join the Awake community for a virtual prayer service centered around the spiritual practice of lament. Please register here.

Courageous Conversation: Abuse and Systems of Power (Part 2)
Part 2 will take place on Zoom at 7pm (central time) the week after Part 1 and will be focused on building connections and community while diving deeper into the questions raised by the conversation the previous week. We will utilize Zoom breakout rooms for facilitated small group discussion and sharing, encouraging all participants to bring their own perspectives and experiences to the conversation. (This event will not be recorded--you'll need to attend live to hear these insights!)
(If you cannot attend Part 1 live, you can also register to receive a recording of the event via email.) The follow up email from Part 1 will share information and an RSVP link for the Part 2 discussion.
Sign up to join us for small group discussion on Thursday, January 30.

Courageous Conversation: Abuse and Systems of Power (Part 1)
Part 1 will take place on Zoom and will include a short introduction from Awake, engaging conversation with our panelists, and question and answer time. (This event will be recorded for later viewing.)

Encountering Advent through Survivors’ Art
We invite you to join the Awake community for a virtual prayer service centered around art created by survivors of sexual abuse by Catholic leaders.
Sign up to join us live on Zoom or receive the recording.

Cultivating a Gospel Response to Trauma (Part 2)
Part 2 will take place on Zoom at 7pm (central time) the week after Part 1 and will be focused on building connections and community while diving deeper into the questions raised by the conversation the previous week. We will utilize Zoom breakout rooms for facilitated small group discussion and sharing, encouraging all participants to bring their own perspectives and experiences to the conversation. (This event will not be recorded--you'll need to attend live to hear these insights!)
Click here to register for Part 2.
Please note these dates have been updated from what was previously announced due to speaker availability and the holiday calendar.

Cultivating a Gospel Response to Trauma (Part 1)
Part 1: Thursday, November 21, 12pm - 1:30pm CST
Part 2: Thursday, December 5, 7pm - 8:30PM CST
Part 1 will take place on Zoom at 12pm (central time) and will include a short introduction from Awake, engaging conversation with our panelists, and question and answer time. (This event will be recorded for later viewing.)
Sign up to attend Part 1 live or receive the recording!
Please note these dates have been updated from what was previously announced due to speaker availability and the holiday calendar.

Building a Deeper Connection with Awake’s Patron Saints
We invite you to join the Awake community for a virtual prayer service centered around Awake’s patron saints.
Sign up here to join us live or receive a recording of the event.

September Courageous Conversation (Part 2)
Our fifth season of Courageous Conversations will begin in September and feature a panel of survivors.
Part 1: Thursday, September 12, 12pm - 1:30pm CDT
Part 2: Thursday, September 19, 7pm - 8:30PM CDT
Part 2 will take place on Zoom at 7pm (central time) and will be focused on building connections and community while diving deeper into the questions raised by the conversation the previous week. We will utilize Zoom breakout rooms for facilitated small group discussion and sharing, encouraging all participants to bring their own perspectives and experiences to the conversation. (This event will not be recorded--you'll need to attend live to hear these insights!)

September Courageous Conversation (Part 1)
Our fifth season of Courageous Conversations will begin in September with Listening to Survivors: What Went Well—and Didn't—When I Shared My Story, featuring a panel of survivors in a conversation moderated by Awake's executive director, Sara Larson.
Part 1: Thursday, September 12, 12pm - 1:30pm CDT
Part 2: Thursday, September 19, 7pm - 8:30PM CDT
Part 1 will take place on Zoom at 12pm (central time) and will include a short introduction from Awake, engaging conversation with our panelists, and question and answer time. (This event will be recorded for later viewing.)

Prayer in the Park
We invite you to join the Awake community for our annual outdoor gathering for community-building and prayer on Wednesday, August 7 at 7:00 pm CDT.
Join us at Estabrook Park, 4400 N. Estabrook Drive, Milwaukee. Please bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket. After our peaceful and participatory prayer service, we will enjoy refreshments and social time on (hopefully) a beautiful summer evening.
Or, join us on Zoom from your sofa, backyard, or favorite outdoor space! We’ll host a simultaneous online gathering for members of the Awake community from across the country and around the world to connect and pray together.
Please sign up here to receive more details via email as the date approaches. We look forward to praying with you!

Out of the Ashes: Annual Survivor Retreat
Our second annual retreat, taking place July 26 – 28, 2024 in West Bend, Wisconsin, is already full with 24 women and men registered. If you have experienced sexual abuse by a Catholic leader and would like to be informed if a spot becomes available, please email Survivor Care Coordinator Esther Harber at estherharber@awakecommunity.org.

Annual Leadership Gathering
Awake’s leaders, including staff and members of the Board of Directors, Leadership Team, and Survivor Advisory Panel, will gather for our annual day of planning and community building on Saturday, June 1.

“Vos Estis” Five Years Later: Part 2
The second part of our May Courageous Conversation will take place on Zoom and be focused on building connections and community while diving deeper into the questions raised by the conversation the previous week.
We will utilize Zoom breakout rooms for facilitated small group discussion and sharing, encouraging all participants to bring their own perspectives and experiences to the conversation. (This event will not be recorded--you'll need to attend live to hear these insights!)
Click here to learn more and sign up to attend Part 2.

“Vos Estis” Five Years Later: JD Flynn and Anne Barrett Doyle in Conversation
In our May Courageous Conversation, journalist and co-founder of The Pillar, JD Flynn, and co-director of BishopAccountability.org, Anne Barrett Doyle will be in conversation on the impact of Vos Estis Lux Mundi in the five years since its promulgation. Vos Estis created new church law mandating the report and investigation of sexual abuse of children and adults by either clergy or men and women in religious orders. It also sought to establish structures of accountability for bishops who mishandle reports of abuse.
Click here to learn more and sign up to attend live or receive the recording.

The Way of Light Prayer Service
We invite you to join the Awake community for a hopeful prayer service during the Easter Season.
After praying the Way of the Cross during Lent, we will now pray the beautiful "Way of Light," also known as the Stations of the Resurrection. This devotion follows a similar format to the Stations of the Cross, but begins with the Resurrection of Jesus and concludes with the Sending of the Holy Spirit.
Register here to receive more information as the date approaches.

Power and Abuse in the Church: Part 2
We will focus our small group discussion on issues of power and abuse in the Church. If you wish to participate, we ask that you watch this recording of a talk with Dr. Langberg and her clinical partner Dr. Phil Monroe, hosted by GRACE, a Christian organization dedicated to responding to abuse. Then please use this link to sign up to join our part 2 discussion.
We will utilize Zoom breakout rooms for facilitated small group discussion and sharing, encouraging all participants to bring their own perspectives and experiences to the conversation. (This event will not be recorded--you'll need to attend live to hear these insights!)
Click here to download an event graphic to share in your bulletin or newsletter.

CANCELLED Power and Abuse in the Church: Dr. Diane Langberg in Conversation with Survivors
Unfortunately due to a death in her family, Dr. Langberg is unable to join us on March 14, so we are canceling this live event on Zoom.
We are hoping to reschedule with Dr. Langberg for our next season of Courageous Conversations and will share more information when it is available.
We realize many of you are drawn to Courageous Conversations for the opportunity for small group sharing and building connections, so we are still planning to gather for our part 2 with small group discussion and sharing on March 21 at 7pm CDT on Zoom.
We will focus our small group discussion on issues of power and abuse in the Church. So, if you wish to participate, we ask that you watch this recording of a talk with Dr. Langberg and her clinical partner Dr. Phil Monroe, hosted by GRACE, a Christian organization dedicated to responding to abuse. Then please use this link to sign up to join our part 2 discussion.

Walking the Way of the Cross with Survivors
On Monday, February 19 at 7:00pm CST, we'll gather for our annual Walking the Way of the Cross with Survivors on Zoom.
This powerful prayer experience combines reflections from abuse survivors with the traditional Lenten Stations of the Cross devotion. Learn more and sign up here to attend live or receive the recording.
Click here to download an event graphic to share in your email newsletter or bulletin.
Hidden at the Margins: Church Abuse and Silenced Voices in Immigrant and Minority Communities
Part 2 of our January Courageous Conversation will be held on Zoom. We’ll gather in small groups to share our thoughts and reflections on the remarks from our speakers in the previous week.
Courageous Conversation, Part 1 (Zoom)
Our January Courageous Conversation is "Hidden at the Margins: Church Abuse and Silenced Voices in U.S. Immigrant Communities" and will focus on sexual abuse perpetrated by Church leaders in immigrant communities. We’ll be joined by Catholic theologian Susan Bigelow Reynolds from Emory University, PhD student Lucy Huh, and SNAP leader Eduardo Lopez de Casas.