Survivor Advisory Panel

Listening to and learning from those who have experienced sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is central to Awake’s mission. Awake’s Survivor Advisory Panel is a diverse group of survivors who are invested in the work of Awake and offer honest feedback about our ideas, programs, and goals. This panel includes women and men from throughout the United States – Catholics and non-Catholics, those who were abused during childhood and those who experienced abuse as adults. We realize that not every Awake initiative will resonate with every survivor, but we consider the wisdom and perspective of survivors essential to the decisions we make in carrying out our mission. 

If you have questions about the Awake Survivor Advisory Panel, or if you are a survivor who would like to offer feedback about any of Awake’s work, please reach out to Executive Director Sara Larson at

Survivor Advisory Panel Members

  • I am originally from Michigan, born and raised Catholic. Since 1998 when I got married, I have been living on Long Island where I am a stepmom to two adult children and a grandmother to two beautiful grandsons. I have my Master’s in Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Care from Fordham University. I am a clergy sexual abuse survivor, and although I no longer consider myself part of the Catholic Church, my faith continues to be my strength. Finding Awake has been a tremendous blessing for me. I am passionate about Awake’s mission and want to contribute to providing a safe space for survivors to be heard, supported, and empowered. I know personally how painfully complicated this healing journey can be and I hope for every survivor to know that their voice has value.

  • I am a wife, mother, physician, mental health coach, medical missionary, and practicing Catholic living in Washington State. My specialty training in trauma-informed care has enabled me to work with trauma survivors in medical and faith settings for the past ten years. I am a survivor of complex trauma, including childhood abuse by a priest, abuse as an adult in the Church, and the experience of reporting this abuse to Church authorities. I love to travel, watch Disney princess movies, and have long conversations with friends. In my work with Awake, I want to help bring awareness to and raise up the voice of ethnic and racial minority survivors and their supporters. También me gustaría ofrecer recursos en español a los sobrevivientes.

    Read Deborah’s Survivor Story here.

  • I have spent most of my life in Florida, where I currently work for a nonprofit organization that serves the poor. I love spending time with family and friends, especially at the Florida beach, which I nickname “my other therapist” because it brings me so much peace. I am a committed Catholic who experienced clergy sexual abuse as an adult, and I value giving fellow survivors a safe space to feel whatever they are feeling. I hope our love can inspire them as they walk through this difficult journey and can show them that healing is possible. Through my work with Awake, I would also like to inspire church leaders to become better listeners towards abuse survivors.

  • I am a devoted Catholic, wife to an amazing husband, mother to six beautiful children, and grandmother to four. I live in Wisconsin and am a stay at home mom who enjoys creating beauty in homemaking and intentional living. The lake is my happy place. I am a survivor of spiritual, psychological, and sexual abuse by a Catholic priest as an adult. After years of hard work on the path towards healing, I’ve found peace and purpose in sharing with others and helping other survivors to know that they are not alone. I’m also very passionate about dispelling the myths and stigmas surrounding clergy sex abuse.

    Read Jennifer’s Survivor Story here.

  • I live in Durham, North Carolina with my family. Over the last thirty years I have been a school teacher, director, and foundation director. When not at school, I am passionate about my community, family, gardening, cooking, and exercising, and I’m a Philly sports fan. My wife is a vet and we love our family pets (3 dogs and 3 cats) and are happy parents of three teenage daughters. Awake has provided me with a community rooted in trust as I reclaim my dignity, worth, faith, and love for myself and community. As an Advisory Panel member I am excited to support fellow survivors in their healing journey.

    Read John’s Survivor Story here.

  • I am a retired Leadership Development teacher and an active Catholic in the diocese of Pittsburgh. I have 2 grown sons, who enjoy High Adventure activities like their mom. Since my experience of assault by a Catholic priest in 2016, I have made it my mission to support other women who have experienced abuse. In the time that I have been involved in Awake, I have watched this organization grow, and I would like to be a part of extending that growth in whatever way I can. God has given me a voice to speak up for others, a passion for assisting other survivors, and creativity to think through ideas and offer solutions to problems, giving a real focus to my healing journey as a victim/survivor.

  • I live in Plover, Wisconsin with my husband, Rusty. We have been married for 35 years and have 6 children. I worked for the Catholic Church for more than 30 years. In 2018, I left my position in the church and went into Life Coaching. In my free time, I love being outside and am an avid hiker, cycler, and pickle baller. I care deeply about the people who have been hurt by church leaders, and I bring a unique perspective as someone who was invested in the Catholic Church for 55 years and then made the decision to leave. I am grateful for the ways in which Awake has been victim centered, and I want to continue being a part of that mission where victims are heard and believed.

  • I have served the greater Cincinnati area as a leader in Catholic adult formation for over 25 years. Most recently, I founded Magdala House where I host retreats and accompany others as mentor and spiritual director. I have a certificate in spiritual direction and am currently studying theology at the Athenaeum of Ohio. Before entering full time ministry, I worked as a statistician. My husband and I are parents to three adult sons, and I enjoy long walks in the woods with my golden retriever, Daisy May. Helping support the Awake community in its mission is an honor and privilege. I offer my own personal experiences with abuse in the Church and my formation as a spiritual director to accompany those seeking healing and to inspire transformation in the Church.

  • I grew up in central Minnesota where I now reside with my husband and five of our seven children. My educational background includes a BA in Theology from the College of St. Benedict and an MA in Pastoral Ministry from St. John’s School of Theology. I have spent the last 25 years in parish and diocesan ministry in the Diocese of St. Cloud, working mostly in faith formation and youth ministry. I’m currently working as a middle school Health Teacher. I stay in ministry through volunteer roles with youth and adults in local parishes. I am passionate about empowering people, especially those not in formal positions of leadership, to work for positive change in the structures and relationships that continue to allow abuses of power within the Church.

  • I am currently a Ph.D. student and also work as a case manager for children and adults with developmental disabilities. I am passionate about Awake’s mission which is aligned with my own: to expose the full reality of sexual abuse, of both children and adults, in the Catholic Church for the purpose of transforming and healing the Church from within. Through Awake, I have found support from other survivors who despite the tremendous pain they have suffered, have chosen not to allow what happened to them to destroy their faith.

  • I am a husband, father of 2 adult children, businessman, practicing Catholic, and dear friend to many. Also, I am a childhood sexual abuse survivor by a member of the clergy who was a trusted friend of my parents at the time. My wife and I live in the Edgebrook neighborhood of Chicago and are parishioners of St. Mary of the Woods parish. I kept the secret for over 30 years until finally coming forward to tell my story to officials of the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2006. It is a colossal act of courage for any survivor to tell their story. In my work with Awake, I hope to help survivors feel heard, believed, accompanied, and treated with real empathy and compassion.

    Read Mike’s Survivor Story here.