Awake Blog
Welcome to the Awake Blog! If you’re new to Awake, we recommend you check out these top blog posts from our archive.
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Why Have Many Survivors of Church Abuse Suffered Previous Trauma?
This week we revisit helpful information from expert Pete Singer of GRACE, who explains why victim-survivors of harm in the Catholic Church often have previous trauma histories.

Vince Pérez
“I aim to promote understanding by educating church leaders and congregations about the compounded effects of racism, sexism, and clergy abuse on BIPOC survivors.”

Embracing Lament: Awake Prayer Service Brings Our Suffering to God
Last week Awake hosted a special prayer event exploring the spiritual practice of lament, an ideal form of prayer for people suffering in any way.

How to Grow in the Aftermath of Trauma
When someone has suffered deep wounds from a traumatic event such as sexual abuse, how can they move beyond the pain to achieve healing and growth? We posed this question to Mitch Mueller, LPC, a Catholic psychotherapist from West Bend, Wisconsin.

6 Tips for Priests: How to Address Abuse in a Homily
This week we revisit a 2024 post written for priests and deacons by Awake Executive Director Sara Larson. Here she offers advice on how to cover the topic of abuse in homilies.

Courageous Conversation: Understanding How Systems of Power Contribute to Abuse in the Church
Awake’s latest Courageous Conversation, held last week, offered an important exploration of systems of power and their role in abuse in the Catholic Church.

Awake Leaders Gather for Strategic Planning and Look Ahead with Hope
Last Saturday, leaders from Awake gathered in the Milwaukee area and virtually for a strategic planning day to brainstorm, discuss, and set our priorities for the next three years.

Awake’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2024
As we embark on a new year, it’s a good time to review our 10 most popular blog posts from 2024. This allows you to catch up on any you might have missed!

Advent Prayer Service Centers Survivors’ Art
Members of the Awake community gathered this week for a unique Advent service that created space for attendees to meditate on songs, poetry, paintings, and other art created by people who have experienced harm in the Church.

Amy Pearce
“I want other survivors to be reassured that what happened was not their fault, that they are not alone, and that they are both lovable and loved.”

The Power of Pets in Trauma Healing
Many survivors in the Awake community say pets have been key in helping them heal from the trauma of abuse. To understand why animals can be so beneficial, we spoke to Philip Tedeschi, clinical professor in the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver and founder of the Institute for Human-Animal Connection.

Could Historic Meeting of Abuse Survivors and Vatican Officials Be a Source of Hope?
Last month, a group of abuse survivors and advocates met with Vatican officials in Rome for a discussion of issues related to sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

Courageous Conversation: Why We Must Work Toward a Trauma-Sensitive Church
Our latest Courageous Conversation, “Cultivating a Gospel Response to Trauma,” considered why Catholics are called to create faith communities sensitive to the needs of people with traumatic wounds, including those who have been abused in the Church.

Fr. Frank Reitter
“God, through prayer, helped me understand I can never be the person I could have been had I not been abused, but I can be the person I can be.”

A Survivor Visits Rome
Last month, I was equally thrilled and apprehensive to travel to Rome to meet with delegates of the Synod on Synodality, Vatican leaders, and other ministry partners. As a survivor of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, I was not sure what this journey would feel like.

Getting to Know—and Pray with—Awake’s Patron Saints
Last Wednesday, Awake’s prayer team led a service to help participants learn more about our community’s patron saints and engage with them more deeply.

Awake Introduces Four New Members of the Survivor Advisory Panel
This week on the blog we honor four new members of the Awake Survivor Advisory Panel, who introduce themselves to the Awake community.

Emily Hess
“I sometimes feel imposter syndrome when talking to fellow survivors; my story is very mild compared to most of the stories I've heard from others.”

Confronting the Catholic Church’s Role in Native American Boarding Schools
We revisit our 2023 interview with Maka Black Elk, who is committed to hearing the stories of Native people hurt in boarding schools run by Catholic religious orders. As a Catholic and member of the Oglala-Sioux tribe, he shares how he has grappled with the Church’s role in this harm.