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“I Will Never Forget This Weekend”: Transformative Experiences at Awake’s First Retreat for Abuse Survivors

“I Will Never Forget This Weekend”: Transformative Experiences at Awake’s First Retreat for Abuse Survivors

I didn’t know what to expect when I stepped into Awake’s recent weekend retreat for abuse survivors. After months of planning and more Zoom meetings than I can count, we were finally bringing together 17 people who had experienced sexual abuse by a Catholic leader…

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The Way of the Cross with Survivors: A Lenten Opportunity to Pray with Those Who Are Hurting

The Way of the Cross with Survivors: A Lenten Opportunity to Pray with Those Who Are Hurting

Last week Awake Milwaukee observed the Way of the Cross, a prayer service following the footsteps of Jesus to Calvary, accompanied by victim-survivors of sexual abuse and their friends and families. At each station, a survivor offered a reflection to help those praying to connect the sufferings of Jesus with the suffering of those who have experienced sexual abuse in the Church.

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