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“I Will Never Forget This Weekend”: Transformative Experiences at Awake’s First Retreat for Abuse Survivors

“I Will Never Forget This Weekend”: Transformative Experiences at Awake’s First Retreat for Abuse Survivors

I didn’t know what to expect when I stepped into Awake’s recent weekend retreat for abuse survivors. After months of planning and more Zoom meetings than I can count, we were finally bringing together 17 people who had experienced sexual abuse by a Catholic leader…

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Moral Injury: The Unexpected Wounds of Sexual Abuse in the Church
Erin O'Donnell Erin O'Donnell

Moral Injury: The Unexpected Wounds of Sexual Abuse in the Church

It’s little surprise to members of the Awake community that the twin crises of sexual abuse and cover-up in the Catholic Church have caused grave wounds, especially for victim-survivors of abuse. But recent research by Catholic moral theologian Marcus Mescher and his colleagues at Xavier University in Cincinnati sheds new light on some of the ways these crises have injured the Church.

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