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6 Things Never to Say About Survivors of Clergy Abuse
Personal Reflection Jerri von den Bosch Personal Reflection Jerri von den Bosch

6 Things Never to Say About Survivors of Clergy Abuse

Back in 2021 I wrote a blog post for Awake that covered some of the hurtful things that people sometimes say to clergy abuse survivors, along with more supportive things they might say instead. Many people read it and several survivors—including my mom—responded with additional things that they’ve heard from Catholics and would add to the list. 

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Called to the Foot of the Cross: Why the Church Needs a “Catechesis of Survivor Stories”
Spirituality and Healing Erin O'Donnell Spirituality and Healing Erin O'Donnell

Called to the Foot of the Cross: Why the Church Needs a “Catechesis of Survivor Stories”

Today we revisit a post from November 2021 about efforts by a Jesuit priest and researcher to help the Catholic Church heal by making stories from abuse survivors a regular part of Church life. Gerard McGlone, SJ, a Jesuit priest and researcher, believes all Catholics should regularly hear the stories of people who have experienced sexual abuse in the Church. 

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Deborah Rodriguez
Survivor Stories Erin O'Donnell Survivor Stories Erin O'Donnell

Deborah Rodriguez

“The greatest challenge I have had to endure as a survivor is shame. Because others forced me to keep silent about the abuse, I thought I was the one at fault, that I had done something wrong.”

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Courageous Conversation: Abuse Survivors Share What They Want Catholics to Understand
Courageous Conversations Events Awake Leadership Team Courageous Conversations Events Awake Leadership Team

Courageous Conversation: Abuse Survivors Share What They Want Catholics to Understand

Last week, Awake Milwaukee launched the third season of its popular Courageous Conversations series with “What I Want Catholics to Understand,” a panel discussion that featured five victim-survivors of abuse in the Catholic Church. A recording of the conversation is now available on Awake’s YouTube channel. Here we offer a summary of the main insights shared during the conversation, which was moderated by Sara Larson, executive director of Awake Milwaukee.

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6 Things Never to Say About Survivors of Clergy Abuse
Personal Reflection Jerri von den Bosch Personal Reflection Jerri von den Bosch

6 Things Never to Say About Survivors of Clergy Abuse

Back in 2021 I wrote a blog post for Awake that covered some of the hurtful things that people sometimes say to clergy abuse survivors, along with more supportive things they might say instead. Many people read it and several survivors—including my mom—responded with additional things that they’ve heard from Catholics and would add to the list. 

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